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Worried About Water Damage? Our Tips for Prevention | SERVPRO of North Clay County/Oakleaf/Middleburg

5/15/2024 (Permalink)

Aluminum Rain Water Gutter on side of Florida House Address water damage by calling SERVPRO of North Clay County/Oakleaf/Middleburg as soon as possible.

It’s likely that you don’t think about your water pipes or gutter system regularly. You depend on them to direct water in and around your house in a controlled manner, and they usually do just that. But a single malfunction or issue could lead to various water problems for your home. 

Burst pipes, overloaded gutters and faulty appliances all pose a threat of causing extensive water damage in a short time. Understanding where water damage is more likely to happen can help you identify and address any emerging issues promptly to minimize your situation. 

Our water damage restoration team provides more information below, so keep reading to learn all about water damage in homes.

Appliances and Pipes 

Water leaks are a common risk in any home where water is being used, especially from appliances such as dishwashers, water heaters and washing machines, which have the potential to malfunction and leak. 

To prevent such issues, it is important to regularly maintain and inspect these appliances for any signs of damage, such as water spots. Additionally, pipes are also susceptible to wear and tear, and it is recommended to regularly check the lines connected to sinks, tubs and toilets for any signs of aging caulking or seals. Even a small crack in a fitting or pipe can lead to significant water damage, either suddenly or gradually over time.

Preventing Damage Caused by Mother Nature

We all know how destructive storms can be in the Eagle Landing area. Severe storms and hurricanes can lead to heavy rainfall that may overload clogged gutters, causing water to leak into your foundation and basement. To avoid this,  clean your gutters regularly. Clean gutters facilitate the smooth flow of water away from your home. This cannot happen if the gutters are clogged with leaves or other debris from the yard.

Flooding is also a concern when heavy rain overloads our community. If your home is located in a flood zone, you should grade your property so the land slopes away from your home. This will help water to move away from your house naturally. Additionally, investing in a sump pump can help keep water out of your basement.

How SERVPRO® Can Dry Your Home
Dealing with water damage can be a daunting task, regardless of how it happened. The first step is to contact our restoration team. We are equipped with the knowledge, tools and safety training to handle any type of water damage situation. 

We will extract any excess water or moisture, identify the source of the issue, repair any damages and manage your recovery process. Although it may seem like a daunting task, we are experts in disaster recovery and will strive to return your home to its original condition as quickly as possible.

Water damage should always be addressed as soon as it is discovered. Contact SERVPRO of North Clay County/Oakleaf/Middleburg today.

Suffered a Flood? Here’s What to Do | SERVPRO of North Clay County/Oakleaf/North Middleburg

1/25/2024 (Permalink)

Surrounded by hurricane rainfall flood waters home in residential area. Consequences of natural disaster Has a recent flash flood taken your home by storm? SERVPRO of North Clay County/Oakleaf/North Middleburg is here to help restore it. Call us now!

Flooding issues can pop up at any time in the Clay County area. Strong summer storms or hurricanes in the early fall can lead to heavy rain that quickly overwhelms our community. 

While it is not always possible to prevent flood damage, being prepared for the incoming weather can help you avoid some of the more costly damage and it can help keep your family safe. 

Take these steps below as soon as a flood watch or warning is issued, and call us right away if the resulting weather leaves your home soaked or flooded. 

Preparing With Safety in Mind 

Flash flood warnings can be issued at any moment, even if it is not actively raining yet. As soon as the alert is issued, start getting ready at your home. If you are out and about when the warning comes through, head for home quickly, being sure to avoid any roads that tend to flood when it rains and avoiding any low-lying areas

Once home, start tidying up your yard and bring anything that you can into your home and garage that you don’t want swept away in the water. Things that are too heavy to move, like your propane tanks, grills and patio furniture, should be tied down and secured. 

You should also get your car into the garage to protect it from significant damage. Close storm shutters, and pull any important documents or keepsakes out of the lowest level of our home. 

What to Do When the Inclement Weather Arrives

Stay inside and watch the conditions as they start to change and keep your weather radio on or stay connected to the authorities so you are always informed. If water does start rushing into your home, stay calm and stay above the water line. 

Eventually the water will stop rising and the storm will move on. Once it is safe to do so, walk carefully around your home. Wear sturdy waterproof boots if you must walk through any floodwater in your home

Start taking photos of any damage you see, both inside and outside your home. Your insurance company will want to see the damage firsthand, and we will be able to create our restoration plan based off of these images that you capture.

Drying Up the Water

Our first goal is to ensure your home is safe to work in, so we will assess the situation and create our flood restoration plan based on the amount of damage we see. We will get to work securing your home from the elements while also removing the standing water. 

Our team will get every bit of residual moisture because we know that even just a few leftover droplets can continue to cause damage and even mold growth. 

We will work on saving your possessions and drying out your soft and fragile materials. Our team operates on a “restore rather than replace” mentality, so we will do whatever we can to protect your belongings. 

Once everything is dry, we will address the necessary structural repairs and sanitize your entire space. Our flood restoration team is dedicated to helping you recover no matter how destructive your flood damage is.

Floodwater should always be cleaned up by professionals. Contact SERVPRO of North Clay County/Oakleaf/North Middleburg today. 

Different Scenarios That Require a Biohazard Cleanup Crew | SERVPRO of North Clay County/Oakleaf/North Middleburg

10/25/2023 (Permalink)

professional disinfector with protective antiviral mask, chemical decontamination sprayer bottle indoors. male remove bacteri Does your home or business have biohazard issues needed to be taken care of? SERVPRO of North Clay County/Oak Leaf/Middleburg is "Here to Help"!

Life is unpredictable, and sometimes situations can happen at our homes or businesses that are out of our control. For example, a sewage leak at your storefront can happen in the middle of the night and not be discovered until morning, or a tragic accident happens at home and your kitchen has blood or other bodily fluids all over the floor. 

While these types of situations are emotionally impactful, they can also be dangerous or hazardous to your health. That’s where our biohazard team comes into play. We are trained to handle the cleanup and sanitization of many different hazardous substances. 

The Different Situations We Are Trained In  

Sometimes biohazard situations are obvious if there is blood involved or something clearly dangerous like a sewage leak. However, there are also other situations that should always be cleaned up by professionals. 

Harmful chemical leaks, hoarding scenes, tear gas cleanup, and excess animal waste or animal remains are all situations that need to be addressed quickly and with a trained hand. 

Our team understands that the longer these substances linger on your property, the more dangerous they can become. We will help transform your space back into its clean and safe living or working area in no time at all. We will contain the affected area, clean, sanitize and address any lingering odor issues. We can also handle any repairs if the situation leads to property damage. 

Crime Scene Assistance 

When the unexpected happens at your home or business and it becomes the unfortunate victim of a crime scene, our team will be there to walk you through the process. We understand how overwhelming and sensitive these types of situations can be, and we are here to help you navigate the uncertainty of what comes next. 

Many times, crime scenes or accident scenes have blood or other hazardous contaminants present, so we use our specialized equipment to clean and sanitize the entire area. We can also help contain the residuals leftover from a crime scene, and we are able to help clean up fingerprint powder, pepper spray residue and fire extinguisher residue. 

When we are through, you would never know that a traumatic or sensitive situation occurred at your residence.

Let us handle any hazardous substances on your property. Contact SERVPRO of North Clay County/Oakleaf/North Middleburg today.

Water Damage & Preventative Maintenance

10/18/2023 (Permalink)

Leaking water pipe Here to help 24/7/365

Water emergencies happen everyday and there are ways to prevent additional damage if this should occur in your home or business.

Always remember it’s important to stop the water as soon as possible. Turn off the water shut off when you notice a pipe has broken, even if you do not know where the water is coming from. Once the main water switch is off, the pipes will need to be drained. This is where you call a professional.

Once a plumber has located the broken pipe and inspected the damage, they will repair the pipe by either fixing a rupture or crack depending on the mending material that is chosen.

This is where you call us in to repair any water damage that has occurred during the unfortunate pipe burst. A lot of people ask when to call a plumber and when to call us. Once the pipe situation is secured, we can mitigate the water damage as soon as possible.

Here’s some additional ways you can prevent or avoid additional water damage in your home:

  1. Disconnect your water hose during a freeze. Standing water in a hose may freeze back into the pipe and create an ice block that may bust your pipes and create damage to walls and floors. 
  2. Check and maintain your appliances regularly for leaks.
  3. Check your water pressure. If the pressure is too high, pipes and hoses may fail.
  4. Make sure your gutters and downspouts are cleaned out.
  5. Investigate leaks right away and fix immediately.
  6. Know the location of your water main. If you leave your house for an extended amount of time, shut it off to avoid leaks while you are gone.
  7. Monitor your water bill. Sometimes, the only way to realize you have a leak is by taking a good look at your water bill. If your usage jumps significantly from one month to the next without explanation, then you may have a leak somewhere. 

SERVPRO of North Clay County/Oakleaf/North Middleburg is always here to help. Call us with any additional questions or concerns.

Contact us 24/7/365 at 904-861-8870


Commercial Loss after Water Damage

10/17/2023 (Permalink)

Standing water in a office setting We are Here to Help 24/7/365

Commercial Loss after Water Damage

Business interruption disrupts normal operations due to unforeseeable circumstances, such as natural disasters like flash flooding. When businesses experience water damage, it can lead to a significant loss of revenue due to the inability to operate as usual.

The effects of business interruption can be long-lasting, causing damage to a company's reputation and reducing employee morale. In some cases, businesses may have to close their operations permanently, leading to job losses and financial strain on owners.

To mitigate these risks, business owners should have a plan to deal with potential disasters, including water damage restoration services. By having a comprehensive program that includes business interruption insurance and a partnership with a trusted restoration company, businesses can reduce the impact of unforeseeable events and quickly return to normal operations.

Professional water damage restoration services can help businesses to speed up their recovery time and minimize the negative impact of flood damage. It's always a good idea to partner with a local water damage restoration company you can trust to get your business back up and running as quickly as possible.

Choosing the right water damage restoration company is crucial to restoring your property to its pre-flood condition as quickly and efficiently as possible. Here are some essential factors to consider when choosing a water damage restoration company:

  1. Certification and Licensing:

The company you choose should be certified and licensed by the appropriate authorities, like the IICRC. Certifications ensure they have the necessary training and experience to handle water damage restoration effectively. While on-the-job training and experience are essential, you want to avoid running the risk of all new technicians training on your damage.

  1. Response Time:

In situations involving water damage restoration, time is of the essence. A good restoration company should be able to respond to your emergency within a few hours, ideally less than two. Delaying the response could lead to further damage and pose a risk to your health and safety.

  1. Availability of Equipment:

A reputable water damage restoration company should have access to the latest equipment and technology to help them deal with any water damage emergency, including water extraction, dehumidification, and drying. When choosing a water damage restoration company, ask them about quantity and ability. If you have a large commercial property, you must ensure the company you work with has the right amount and capacity equipment to dry it properly.

  1. Expertise:

Water damage restoration can be a complex process, and not all companies have the same level of expertise. Be sure to choose a company with a long-proven track record and positive reputation. Many restoration companies are also cleaning companies, so when you look at their public reviews, ensure they are about large water restoration jobs rather than simple cleanings.

  1. Insurance:

You will likely have to file an insurance claim to restore your property after water damage. When choosing the best restoration company, ensure the company has experience and trained personnel on staff that can and will know how to work with your insurance adjuster to manage your claim. Ask for proof of pre-existing relationships and agreements with major insurance carriers.

Likewise, a reliable water damage restoration company should hold adequate liability and workers' compensation insurance. Insurance coverage protects your property from any damage during the restoration process and ensures that no one has you liable in case of any accidents.

  1. Customer Service:

Excellent customer service is paramount when choosing a water damage restoration company. SERVPRO of North Clay County/Oakleaf/North Middleburg is strong in all the areas listed above, but we pride ourselves on customer excellence.

Contact SERVPRO of North Clay County/Oakleaf/North Middleburg 24/7 at 904-861-8870 to schedule your estimate at no cost TODAY!

2023 Hurricane Preparedness in Clay County

7/5/2023 (Permalink)

List of names for hurricanes List of Named Stores for 2023

Florida may be the Sunshine State, but Floridians are no strangers to emergency preparedness. From hurricanes to wildfires, droughts to pandemics, being ready for a disaster can make all the difference.

Here in Middleburg, Orange Park, Oakleaf (Clay County) we pride ourselves in having an amazing alert system that our residents can sign up for and receive alerts during emergency situations.  Alert Clay is the name of it and you can just click on this link and it will direct you there.  

Our best advise is to be prepared or Storm Ready if you will before it is actually time to worry.  Have a plan in place for you and your pets as well as protect the exterior of your home or business.  

Always keep in mind SERVPRO of North Clay County/Oakleaf/North Middleburg is here for you if needed.  Tree on or in the house, rising water, windblown, etc....   whatever your problem, call us.  904-861-8870 to reach a person on call 24 hours a day.  

Minutes Matter During a House Fire | SERVPRO of North Clay County/Oakleaf/North Middleburg

6/16/2023 (Permalink)

Dark brown smoke coming from the second level bay window during a house fire Experienced a house fire? Call SERVPRO of North Clay County/Oakleaf/North Middleburg to restore your home to preloss condition.

Suffering a house fire is one of the most stressful things that a homeowner can go through. In addition to the sheer potential damage of a fire, it can also be a dangerous or even deadly situation to be involved in. Any time a fire breaks out in your Oakleaf area home, getting out safely should be your top priority.

By understanding the progression of a house fire and how to safely exit your home, you can ensure that every member of your family is safe during a fire emergency.

A Fire’s Progression

Fires can start in many different ways around your home. A forgotten candle, an overloaded extension cord, a clogged lint trap and even a kitchen towel that got too close to your stove burners could all cause a fire to start.

Once the fire spreads, it can cause widespread damage and create unsafe conditions quickly.

After 30 seconds: The small flame becomes a large fire.

After one minute: The fire has created enough black smoke to fill the whole room.

After two minutes: The smoke and fire make blackout conditions and is life-threatening.

After five minutes: Your entire home could be engulfed in flames.

What to Do if This Happens

No matter how the fire starts, your first instinct should be to ensure you and your family get out safe. If you can quickly exit out a side door or window, do so and head to safety.

If the room you are in is in an interior part of your home, stay below the smoke line. This black smoke has toxic gas that can disorient you and actually cause you to become drowsy. Get low and army-crawl if you have to in order to get out.

Once you make it outside safely, meet up with your family at your agreed-upon safe location and call 911 if you haven’t done so already. Our local fire department will be there quickly to assess the situation and will take over for you to help put out the fire and minimize damages.

Recovering From a Fire

Once the fire is out and the authorities have decided whether your home is safe to re-enter, the shock and stress of the event can start to set in. If your home is a total loss, you could be faced with an entire rebuild or dealing with the emotions of losing your possessions and important keepsakes.

Our SERVPRO of North Clay County/Oakleaf/North Middleburg team is here to make this recovery process as smooth as possible for you. We understand how difficult these emotions can be and we ensure that you are involved in every step of the recovery process.

Our fire damage restoration team will take care of everything from debris removal, cleaning and sanitization processes to whatever reconstruction projects that your home needs. SERVPRO is always here to help you in your time of need.

Our team is ready to help you recover from a house fire. Call us at SERVPRO of North Clay County/Oakleaf/North Middleburg.

Time for some Spring Cleaning? Let us Help!

4/19/2023 (Permalink)

Daisies in a field with SERVPRO logo April Showers bring May flowers so let us do the cleaning while you enjoy Springtime!

It's that time of year when everyone starts getting the Spring Cleaning bug....  we have been stuck inside for more days than us Floridians like due to cold weather.  

Even though we have not had a harsh winter, it just keeps going up and down in temperature.  We hope we are on the down slope towards Spring!  

Now is the time to plan what you can clean, schedule with SERVPRO of North Clay County/Oakleaf/North Middleburg what you might like us to clean and prepare for long days at the beach or on the river.

Here is a cleaning list to help you with what you might like to clean and then you can just schedule with us through this website or calling our office located in Orange Park, Florida at 904-861-8870.  You might also want to get your HVAC ductwork cleaned and we have the best prices in town for the advanced equipment we use versus just using a small shop vac system as some of our competitors use. 

We would be glad to assist you in any of your needs.  

How Technology is Valuable during a Hurricane

9/28/2022 (Permalink)

4 people standing using cell phones, ipads and laptops Technology is important during a Hurricane

While the idea of technology seems simple on the outside, the constant updates and innovations can deter people from learning all that their devices can do for them. When emergencies or natural disasters hit close to home, it can be extremely advantageous to know how to make the best use of your technological devices. Technology allows you to stay updated on outside conditions as well as let family and friends know where you are.

We recommend keeping portable chargers readily accessible so that you can make the most of your technology during an emergency. Keep these tips on how to effectively use your devices in mind.

Applications for News Updates

Checking apps for updates on your smartphone is a fast and easy way to catch up with the latest news in North Clay County to include western Orange Park, North Middleburg, Oakleaf and areas around Black Creek. Make sure you have reliable news apps downloaded before inclement weather hits so that you can stay posted on local weather conditions and national updates.

Mark Yourself Safe

Another helpful feature of social media that not a lot of people know to use is the ability to mark yourself as safe. Facebook offers a feature called Safety Check that lets users mark themselves as safe if there is a dangerous situation in or near where you live. Simply updating your status as safe lets family and friends know that for the time being, you are out of harm’s way. The Red Cross has a similar feature called Safe & Well, which is both an app and website, where users can be marked safe.

Use Online Storage

Websites like Google Drive and DropBox ease the stress of possibly losing important copies of identification cards, passports, insurance policies, medical records, pet records, etc. in the event of a disaster. Be sure to scan and save any important documents before inclement weather is expected.

Make SERVPRO of North Clay County/Oakleaf/North Middleburg your go-to team when your home or business in is in need of any kind of remediation. Call us today at (904) 861-8870.

Don't let Water put your business on hold

6/27/2022 (Permalink)

Man standing in water in his office with a desk full of paperwork Don't let this be you! We are Here to Help 24/7/365

If you have a large commercial flood in your Clay County Office building, SERVPRO of North Clay County / Oakleaf / North Middleburg is here to help! We have many years of large loss experience and have resources available that not many other companies have. 

It is important that every large loss is properly handled with documentation and proper steps taken. Doing the job correct the first time is important to prevent secondary damages from occurring. 

We strive to be an education company in the disaster restoration industry. With that said if you have any questions on what to do or how to even be better prepared, feel free to reach out to us at any time. We have several team members that are trained and specialize in different areas of large loss restoration. We will make it “Like it never even happened.” Call us today at our Orange Park office at 904-861-8870!