What our Customers say...

Why SERVPRO Testimonials

Knowing that the owner of this SERVPRO went to high school here and now has started a business in our town makes me want to keep it local and use his services when needed.  We just had a cleaning this time but if we ever have a water loss or damage from a fire you bet we will be calling this company!

Very thankful they were able to accomodate my schedule as I reside out of town and pick up my RV.  It had experienced severe water damage and mold was all over it.  Ronnie provided amazing customer service and I appreciate it.

The tile looked amazing, they did a great job! 

I just wanted to say thank you for the honesty this company offers!  I had another company come out and charge us an astronomical amount of money.  The quote from this company based on photos prior to the work being done was 5% of what the other one charged.  The Orange Park SERVPRO is an honest company.  Would recommend them to anyone!